Reports and publications

All public reports and publications from the SUMPs-Up project can be read and downloaded below. These assist local authorities with a wide variety of SUMP topics, with some also translated into other languages.

Guidelines for developing and implementing a SUMP (Second Edition)

Publication of the second edition of the European SUMP Guidelines marks an important milestone in the take-up of new planning approaches in Europe. This comprehensive revision aims to integrate the dynamic developments in many areas of urban mobility and the rich experience of implementing the concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning since 2013.

With a fully updated SUMP cycle, more detail on the measure planning, financing and implementation aspects, and over 60 new good practice examples from cities all around Europe, the Guidelines represent the ultimate SUMP resource.

The annex to the Guidelines includes printable checklists for SUMP cycle activities, a collection of 63 SUMP good practices from cities across Europe, and a full glossary of SUMP terms. A ten-page summary for decision makers is also available.   
Download here: Full Guidelines: EN, RO ; Further documents: Annex, Decision Makers Summary

SUMP Topic Guides

A series of guides were published with the second edition of the EU SUMP Guidelines. They provide in-depth planning recommendations on crucial SUMP topics, provide guidance for specific contexts, and focus on important policy fields.

The selection below are those authored or co-authored by CIVITAS SUMPs-Up. For the whole selection, visit the Eltis web page.

Electrification: Planning for electric road transport in the SUMP context

The guide covers a variety of topics related to the electrification of road transport, including planning for charging infrastructure and the electrification of various fleet types and vehicles.

It also provides guidance on regulatory and policy measures that can be implemented by mobility planning authorities to support a broad electrification of road transport. To contextualise its advice, the guide gives examples of tools and methods, as well as a selection of good practices from leading European cities in e-mobility.

Download here: EN

Funding and Finance of Sustainable Urban Mobility Measures

This guide provides urban mobility practitioners with advice on estimating costs and identify financing options for the development of SUMPs, the implementation of measures, and more generally the operation of transport services. This is also contextualised in the context of the eight SUMP principles.

A number of possible sources are explored: local revenue streams, including taxation and value capture instruments; national level funding; European level funding and financing; debt mechanisms and external financing; and through private sector involvement.

Download here: EN

Public Procurement of Sustainable Urban Mobility Measures

This guide examines a crucial question: how can local authorities deliver transport products, services and works sustainably? To do so, it explores the general concept of sustainable public procurement and the legislative environment in the EU.

After this, it takes readers through the different stages of a procurement process for SUMP measures. It also discusses different the inherent principles of sustainable public procurement in the field of urban mobility, such as life cycle costing, and how these can be applied.

Download here: EN

Sustainable urban mobility planning in metropolitan regions

Sustainable urban mobility planning on the metropolitan scale requires specific guidance and concrete examples that can inspire metropolitan regions around Europe to overcome the specific governance, funding or cooperation related barriers that they face.

Bearing this in mind, the guide offers support for providing a common definition of mobility planning at the metropolitan region, examples and lessons learned, and recommendations on different aspects and steps of the planning process, taking into account different institutional context conditions.

Download here: Main document, Annexes



SUMP Good Practice Fact Sheets

A series of fact sheets chronicling good practice examples of SUMP measures, instruments and planning procedures in SUMPs-Up’s seven partner cities are now available to read.

They cover activities that have taken place in Birmingham (UK), Budapest (Hungary), Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain), Malmö (Sweden), Sofia (Bulgaria), Thessaloniki (Greece) and Turin (Italy). These good practices should support SUMP uptake and development throughout the SUMP community.

Download the compilation here

Manuals on SUMP Measure Selection

This series of three documents provide guidance on identifying appropriate SUMP measures, along with how to enhance selected mobility fields. They also contain recommendations, rating systems for priorities of measures, and checklists tailored to each city type. Each manual has its own thematic focus.

Start Manual

This manual provides support for planners in cities that are not yet familiar with sustainable urban mobility planning and who need support with where to start in the context of measure selection.

Complementary to the general Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) guidelines, it gives examples and suggestions on how to conduct measure selection for the first SUMP, types of measures that can be of interest for a SUMP, how to grade the measures and how to gain approval for the selected measures.

Download here: DE, EL, EN, ES, FR, HR, HU, IT, RO


Step-up Manual

This manual provides support for cities that are familiar with sustainable urban mobility planning. A step-up city is applying SUMP measures, but not systematically.

This manual addresses are how to apply a systematic and effective approach in measures selection, how to find synergies between different types of measures and policy areas, how to adapt new fields of measures in to what already has been done within the city and how to be more systematic in the measure selection process.

Download here: DE, EL, EN, ES, FR, HU, HR, IT, RO



Innovate Manual

This manual provides support for cities who are experienced in SUMP planning and have an ambitious vision and targets, but need inspiration for selecting and implementing measures. The document aims to give inspiration for how to foster innovations via examples and tools.

It does this by focusing on three significant steps: finding new ways to cooperate with stakeholders and citizens and open up participation to all; fostering new innovative measures; and creating a strategy for incubating and innovation. 

Download here: DE, EL, EN, ES, FR, HU, HR, IT, RO



Standards for Developing a SUMP Action Plan

SUMP action plans help city planners set out how to implement their selected SUMP measures and packages. This report provides planners with the know-how necessary for developing such plans.

It gives guidance on what to include, including responsibilities, resources, stakeholder coordination, time plans, and funding sources; breaks down action plan development into a six-step process (with the final stage an implementation plan); provides examples of action plan templates and best practice; and contains a user manual.

Download here: DE, EL, EN, ES, FR, HR, HU, IT



Recommendations for boosting SUMP Take-Up 

This report gives an overview of the state of the SUMP concept in Europe and uptake in throughout EU Member States. Building on previous publications, it reveals drivers of SUMP implementation, the barriers hindering broader SUMP adoption, and the knowledge needs of implementing actors.

These recommendations have also been compiled in a concise leaflet that serves as a handy reference document for all SUMP actors.

Download here: Summary leaflet, Main report

The Status of SUMPs in EU Member States

A large number of cities throughout Europe still cite a lack of strong technical support and quality control for SUMPs from the national level, thereby hindering SUMP take-up. To ascertain where and to what extent this applies, SUMPs-Up collaborated with fellow SUMP project CIVITAS PROSPERITY.

Information was collected and assessed on SUMP-related national frameworks currently in place in European Union Member States. This analysis was compiled into the "SUMPs in Member States" report.

Download here: Summary report, full report without annexes, full report with annexes.


User Needs Assessment and Analysis

The SUMPs-Up Needs Assessment constituted the first systematic empirical assessment of SUMP take-up in Europe. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods helped answer questions relating to current SUMP status, drivers and barriers to SUMP development, cities' SUMP needs, and more.

Through a comprehensive online   survey,   10   interviews,  and  a  focus  group,  SUMPs-Up gathered responses to these questions from 328 European cities, 10 national experts and 18 mobility practitioners. Find its findings in the reports below.

Download here: Main results report, User needs analysis full report